Again, the idea of our customers having the ability to have the maximum amount of choice is paramount. Due to this, feel free to ask us to commit our culinary skills as much or as little as you please. Now, although we have been told that our salad and vegetable options are second to none, it would be missing the point to ask us to take care of your vegetables whilst you handled the meat. We, of course, say this with all due respect!
Perhaps you have an agricultural small-holding or you dedicate a portion of your land to the upbringing of vegetables or salad products. If so, maybe you wish to combine your passion for the vegetation with our passion for the meat world. If so, then it is a wise decision. Many occasions in our vast cuisine fuelled history has this been the case. In the wilds of the Welsh mountains our meats have been complimented by the most delicious of vegetables. They were truly magnificent. As was also the case in numerous other functions and parties that we have had the pleasure of providing food at.
The point here really is that the choice really is yours. We have always strived for excellence and take real pride in what we do. It has what has made us successful and its what also binds us as a team. We truly believe that if our food wasn’t something we could be proud of then we would not have success in this highly competitive trade. And it is for reasons shared within the remit of pride for one’s own that I say with confidence that if you have vegetables, salads or other side dishes that you feel proud of, then who are we to say no to a request which stipulates a bit of food based teamwork?
Our experience within both manufacturing and wedding catering it has yielded a very positive symbiotic relationship. Where both elements have complimented and supplemented each others forward progress, both technologically and logistically, it has further opened up the capacity for further choice on behalf of our customers. Where lessons have been learned whilst on catering assignments, these improvements have been incorporated into the machine construction, therefore increasing the usability of the machines. Over the years, these improvements, especially when linked in with our evolutionary design set-up, have allowed our spit and hog roaster machines to become so user friendly that we now offer a hire service as well as offering our customers the option to buy a cutting edge culinary beast of a machine for themselves.
Thus, we are more than happy to cook the pigs or other meats for you whilst you take care of the rest. We’re equally as happy doing that s we are taking care of every cuisine based detail. This is underlined by the fact that we offer you the choice of hiring a machine and doing everything yourself. We’ll even sell you a pig! The Spitting Pig Company, dedicated to giving you choice.