Hog Roast Bolton – A Pleasure to Be with Our Corporate Clients for the Big Moments

The thing that often gets overlooked about being a caterer is that your day to day job is going to see you at some of the biggest moments and best moment’s of your customer’s lives and jobs. For the Hog Roast Bolton staff each event may seem like just another job on another just another day, but to be able to effectively conduct our service we have to remind ourselves of the importance of the occasion for each customer individually.

Hog Roast BoltonOf course, that often does not end up being all that difficult when we come out to such clearly special occasions as that of one of our corporate clients from this past week. Working with local, independent businesses means we get to see many incredible milestones as our clients grow and grow. It is not unheard of for the Hog Roast Bolton team to be there right from the outset of one our client’s businesses, with these clients often putting on an official launch event for their business with the aid of our Hog Roast Bolton chefs. In such cases it is a joy to be able to watch as those businesses unfold and grow from strength to strength with each new event with them being a wonderful update for us on how they are doing.

These updates come in the form of celebrated milestones, as was the case this week for a client that we have in fact been with since their outset. We first met this client around 2 years ago when they were first taking off as a brand-new production agency, looking to lend their talents to smaller productions that likely wouldn’t normally be able to afford certain equipment costs, set costs, or even talent and post. We’ve been with them a couple of times since bringing in our catering for some productions they have worked on, but this last one was extra special as it came to celebrate a major partnership that would vastly accelerate their reputation and capabilities. A big moment for sure, and one that we at Hog Roast Bolton were proud to share in even a small part of!