At Hog Roast Machines, we are always looking for ways to help our customers out with their summer plans. Usually, since we are a caterer first and foremost, that means actually helping with their event catering for their biggest summer occasions, but at other times, as we have done this past week, it is about helping get them set up with their very own hog roast machine so that they can sizzle and roast their way right through the brilliant sunny summer season!
That was the case with our customer this week, Davey, who came to Hog Roast Machines as an avid chef and wanted something to replacing his aging barbecue before the summer begins. Knowing that our hog roast machines also double as a barbecue with the right attachments, Davey most certainly came to the right place! Our team were able to help take Davey through the entire process to get him set up with the perfect machine for his summer needs. As he would be cooking at home typically – likely in the garden – for friends and family, we knew a heavy-duty machine wouldn’t quite be the call here. Instead of our heavy set but very reliable base machine, the Titan hog roaster, we figured we Davey would be better served by one of our more portable, light, and savvy machines that he could get a lot of different uses out of. The Hogmaster best appealed to Davey. It would allow him to try his hand at hog roasting, which he received training on too as part of our sellers guarantee, while also having a great barbecue that could always be relied upon. Now the kids won’t have to nag him to get their next burger or sausage roll, because with the Hogmaster Davey will be able to cook up a whole bunch all at once with ease! No need to fight for space on a Hogmaster’s grill – it’s sizeable to get plenty on there at once so you can grill for the whole family and then some!
Davey could not have been any happier with his choice. The Hog Roast Machines team made sure to set him up with all of the necessary safety certificates and training. Plus, now in the future, if ever Davey finds his machine lagging, he can always come back to Hog Roast Machines for a refurbish or even an upgrade!