The Titan machine is without parallel. It is to catering what the ship was to trade. Completely durable to the point of being heroic, the key features that help to make this machine the top of its class by far make for interesting reading indeed. If you are a caterer, look no further. If you love great design and good manufacture, then you are also in the right place.
The double doors which constitute the upper part of the machine are hand crafted from toughened durable stainless steel. One of the doors comes with a heat proof glass window so that all that is inside can be viewed from the outside. The base section is constructed utilising the best in stainless steel technology.
This base unit is incredibly durable. The undercarriage of the structure features four wheels whose tyres are mobile and air filled. Making the most of a fantastic steering system, the undercarriage, combined with the cooking power of the machine itself, allows for unprecedented mechanical power and ease of use. The serving area is also made from super-tough stainless steel, which not only looks great but also offers the machine user the optimum in high end durability.
The Titan machine comes in the three available culinary guises of; hog roasting oven, spit roasting oven and combination oven. The assembly utilised in the gas flow/heat matrix is automated fully as is the pilot assembly and clicked lighting systems.
The Titan Hog Roasting set houses a hog tray made from top grade stainless, two supportive bars construed from stainless and two end plates also constructed from stainless steel
The Titan Spit Roasting set-up includes a spit pole with all spitting attachments, a counterbalance made from stainless steel, a stainless steel tray for carving and a dual bracketed motor
The Titan Hog roast and Spit Roast machines are our top of the range machines, made almost entirely of stainless steel, they benefit from never having the problem of rust or corrosion, and are pretty much bullet proof!. If neglected, for example if it was repeatedly not cleaned properly, or the machine was left outside for a long period of time. With just some hot soapy water and elbow grease it will be back to looking like new in no time!
The Titan Spit Roast machine is a wonderful piece of equipment and will never fail to deliver a beautiful spit roasted pig time and time again. These machines are very visual with their stainless steel body and glass viewing panel they really will provide your customers with a central focus for their events. The pig is mounted on a pole and turns whilst cooking. It can be turned by either a 12 or 240 volt motor or in an emergency by hand. They are very easy to use and very robust in their design.
The Titan Hog Roast is able to cook a pig up to eighty kilos in weight, which is enough to feed up to three hundred people and because with a hogroast the beast is cooked in a tray, it doesn’t require electric, which means you can use the machine pretty much anywhere. It’s also effortless to use and because it is so simple, anyone who intends to hire their machine out to the general public always opts for the Titan Hog Roast.
The cooking process is just like using an oven, there is no messing around, wrestling with the pig, putting the pig on to a pole, you simply sit the meat inside the hogroast tray, score the beast, rub salt and water on for the crackling. Sit the tray inside the machine put the doors on and turn the machine on. The hogroast machine then cooks the pig to perfection. When you are ready to serve, the tray simply raises up, so the hog is in full view for all the customers to see as you carve.
The Titan Hog Roast machine is also very popular with customers who intend to use the machine to sell hot roast pork sandwiches to the public, whether at a county showground or just a local farmers market, because once you have cooked your pig roast, you can keep it hot in the tray for as long as you have gas in your bottle, meaning you are able to serve hot roast pork sandwiches all day.
Also because there is no motor, bearings, brackets etc, the Titan Hog Roast machine is considerably cheaper to buy than a Spit roast but with all the holes ready for the spit-roast attachments, should you decide you wished to purchase the spit-roast attachment in the future. You can simply call up and order a spit kit, this will then very easily bolt onto your existing hog roast machine and hey presto you now have a Titan Combi capable of hog roasting or spit roasting.
The Titan Hog Roast machine is also very well thought out, it has big chunky pneumatic tyres which means you can very easily pull the machine across grass on your own, it is deliberately made just slim enough to go through a standard doorway, so you can get the machine pretty much anywhere!.
In summary, the Titan Hog Roast machine is the most versatile machine on the market today, leaps and bounds ahead of any competitor, with a years guarantee on all of the machines, and your first twelve month gas safety certificate as standard, and with all of our machines being stock items they are delivered to you the next day, free of charge, ready to go!
If you were to go back twenty years in the timeline of hog and spit roast catering and view the machines that were on offer, it would boggle the mind as regards the methods behind their usage. Awfully difficult to operate, the hog and spit roast machines of old symbolised everything that we were, and are still, against as regards engineering. Believing that hog roasting is a pursuit that ought to be enjoyed by everyone, would we not be casting ourselves as the ultimate hypocrites if we manufactured machines that only trained individuals could use? Our approach towards manufacture via intelligent design has led us down a path that naturally accommodated the notion of ‘easy to use.’ Nowhere is this more apparent than in our machine hire option, which anyone can take advantage of. Caterer or home user, this allows you to use the services of one of our machines at an event of your choice. Down to you to conduct the hog or spit roast, The Spitting Pig Company underlines its commitment to ease of use by letting our prospective machine purchasers try them out first as a hire before they commit to buying one! This natural and positive stance towards our machines ease of use has come around through years and years of evolutionary design and intelligent thinking as regards engineering issues. The fact is, our machines are so straightforward to use, it is very difficult to get it wrong at your chosen hog or spit roast catered event. We’ve seen youngsters and novices alike gasp at the ease at which they to can get involved in the worlds greatest cooking process. But don’t take our word for it – give it a try!
So whether you’re a barbecue lover, a caterer new to the business, or simply someone who wants to eat food the way it should, you need look no further than the Titan, it doesn’t bark while you take bite after delicious bite.
In today’s catering climate, it is exceptionally important that a mobile caterer is truly, actually, mobile. Where people are perhaps willing to be less frivolous with their spending in times of economic crises, it is interesting to note that, year on year, the variety and hilarity associated with new locations people suggest for catered events is on the rise. Through this, it is of paramount importance that mobile caterers have the true capabilities to meet the demands that their client base requests of them.
With this in mind, it is with great pleasure that we state that the Titan is the ultimate in hog and spit roast machine mobility, wherever the location, whatever the weather and whatever the meat and vegetables you wish to consume. The cooking capacity is simply huge; a pig up to the weight of 85 kilos can be roasted with absolute, effortless ease. Along with this, potatoes can be roasted in order for you to supply a comprehensive meal of exquisite taste and character irrespective of location. When utilising the hog roast option as regard this machine, the caterer truly opens up the doors of any location and any time; as electricity is not needed at all. The stainless steel body is worked using laser tooling in order to marry perfect and precise joins with absolute strength and lightness. On top of having supreme strength and lightweight characteristics, the Titan has a great trick up its sleeve; the wheel unit. Based on the undercarriage of the machine, the four pneumatic tyres that house incredibly strong and sturdy wheels allow for a degree of movement that was previously unknown in the world of hog roast catering. Linked up to a state of the art steering system, the wheels together with the steering make the titan a true ‘go anywhere cook anything’ machine of epic proportions.
So for the caterer on the move, or the person who simply likes to have his hog roast events accompanied by a spectacular hill-top view, you know that when you buy the Titan you get the best food alongside complete and unrestricted mobile freedom.