How Hog Roast Machines Create the Perfect Roast

There’s nothing quite like the sight of a perfectly roasted hog, its skin golden and crispy, with the tantalising aroma of slow-cooked meat filling the air. And, that’s all thanks to our state-of-the-art hog roast machines which have been designed and manufactured by our very own team. This is due to the fact that our chefs have been in the industry for over two decades and have honed their craft to become some of the leading hog roasters in the country.

So, what are the secrets of the hog roast machine that allows us to create mouth-watering and perfectly cooked dishes every single time? Firstly, we have ensured they provide consistent, even cooking, which are designed to rotate the meat continuously, so that every part of the hog is fully cooked and tender. After all, raw cold spots just aren’t acceptable in our opinion. The rotation of the spit is crucial because its natural juices continuously baste the meat, keeping it tender and infusing it with rich flavours. Plus, it features accurate temperature control, allowing our chefs to adjust the heat as needed to create that juicy inner of the pork, and that crispy crackling skin that melts in the mouth.

One of the great aspects of our hog roast machines is that it saves heaps of time, and ensures the food is served at the time we agreed. Therefore, we no longer have to wait all day for the pork to roast and should be served on your table approximately 6 hours after we get started.

Did you know that you can hire one of our hog roast machines? This will make the perfect gift for budding chefs who are keen to try out their skills and impress their guests. Just get in touch to discuss your desired date and the ingredients you’d like us to bring along for your experience day. We’ll also equip you with all of the tools you need from cooking through to serving of the hog roast.